Associate Degree Information

Associate Degree

An associate degree is the first level of non-vocational degree you can pursue following a high school diploma. Typically designed to be completed in two years or less for those who want to finish early, it is easy to find a job to increase family income and be able to pursue a bachelor's degree later, associate degree programs include introductory courses through which students can start to learn about a particular field or academic discipline.

Artificial Intelligence 
This course will teach students practical knowledge on how to develop advanced...
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Data Science and Analytics
This course will teach students practical knowledge on how to develop interdisciplin...
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Application and Web Development
This course will teach students practical knowledge on how to build interactive...
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Financial Technology
This course will teach students the fundamental building blocks of financial technologies...
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Cyber Security
This course will teach students how to develop advanced and secure scenarios for...
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UX/UI Design
This course will teach students how to develop conceptual and practical skills in experience...
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Digital Marketing
This course will teach students practical knowledge on how to build interactive...
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